"He will call on Me, and I will

answer Him; I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him."

Psalm 91:15

Prophet Kyle Personal Prophecy

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Prophet Kyle

     Kyle T. Miller, a licensed and ordained prophet, has been called to the marketplace as a musician, play producer, and educator. A native of Arkansas, Kyle has been prophesying and interpreting dreams for almost 15 years. Kyle is also a scholar, obtaining a Masters of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary and a PhD in Higher Education Administration from The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). Kyle’ s theatre production company, Positive Images in Christ, has directed and produced over a dozen shows since it was founded in 2004. Kyle is extremely passionate about speaking into people’s lives so that they can grow and blossom into their God-given calling.  “I truly feel as though very few people walk in what God has called them to because many people never discover what the Lord has ordained for them to do in life. Prophecy plays a major part in how people discover their callings.”  Besides prophesying and giving words of knowledge, the Lord also uses Kyle in the ministry of deliverance. “I love seeing God’s people set free by the power of God!”  

Prophet Kyle is a licensed prophet with Christian International's Apostolic Network founded by Bishop Bill Hammon.